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Beware of Snow and Ice on Illinois Trucks: Serious Accidents Can Result

While common sense would tell us to clear the snow and ice off of our vehicles before driving, Illinois law does not currently require it.

Last week, an Aurora man was driving his car when a chunk of ice was knocked off of a truck traveling him near him. The ice hit the man’s windshield and caused the man significant physical injuries including broken bones near his eye and nose and a torn iris.  He may have lost eyesight in one eye (ophthalmologists will not be able to determine that for another 6-12 months) and he must deal with a facial disfigurement.

This type of truck accident is particularly troublesome because it is preventable.  If the snow and ice had been cleared off of the top of the truck then the innocent Aurora man who was driving his car would not have had a nearly fatal experience that resulted in significant injuries.  Despite Illinois’ lack of legislation about snow and ice on trucks, the victim may be able to recover damages if the truck drive’s or truck company’s negligence caused his injuries.

If you have been hurt in a truck accident then you may able to recover damages.  Contact an Illinois truck accident lawyer for more information about filing a lawsuit and potential recoveries.


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